2016 NCI-IDD Staff Stability Survey (State of the Workforce)



The 2016 NCI-IDD Staff Stability Survey Report, now known as the State of the Workforce Survey, presents the results of a survey on employment and working conditions for direct support professionals (DSPs) who work with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In 2016, the survey was completed in 16 states and the District of Columbia and covered approximately 3,000 providers.

Some key findings:

  • Of the DSPs employed by respondents as of Dec. 31, 2016, 35% had been employed there for a year or less.
  • Of the DSPs who left their positions in 2016, 59% had been employed there for less than a year. 
  • The average turnover rate for DSPs in 2016 ranged by state from 24.1% to 69.1%. The average across states was 45.5%. 
  • Across all service types and settings, DSPs received a median hourly wage of $11.41/hour.

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