This is my archive

North Dakota Person-Centered Practices

Opportunity North Dakota is developing a strong and consistent statewide vision and universal understanding of person-centeredness across all North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (ND DHHS) entities and…

Webinar: Expanding Disability Advocacy by Working Together

Access presentation slides, plain language summary, and transcription (English) for the August 28, 2024, webinar, “Expanding Disability Advocacy by Working Together: Successful Practices and Outcomes in Coalition Building”: Presentation…

National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)

Opportunity The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is a national technical assistance center funded by the Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare &…

Webinar: Everyone Can Self-Direct: Lessons Learned from the NCAPPS Self-Direction Learning Collaborative

These are the slides from the Jan. 17, 2024, webinar in PDF format.

Massachusetts Real Lives and Self-Directed Supports Evaluation

Opportunity We evaluated the implementation of the Real Lives legislation and self-direction services by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. Real Lives was enacted in 2014 to expand self-direction of…

Personal Supports Budgets

Opportunity For over a decade, we worked with project partners (Burns & Associates and Davis Pier Consulting) and numerous states and Canadian provinces to reimagine the way they provide supports…

The Riot!

Opportunity From 2004 to 2020, we provided production support and creative direction for a newsletter written by and for self-advocates – people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who speak up…

Community of Practice for Supporting Families of Individuals with IDD

Opportunity In 2012, the UMKC Institute on Human Development and the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services launched a National Community of Practice (CoP) for Supporting Families…

Studying Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Recipients

Opportunity With project partners at National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, we assisted staff at the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota on annual…

Multnomah County Mental Health System Analysis

Opportunity Multnomah County is focused on providing accessible and effective mental health services—connecting people to the right care at the right time. We conducted a deep systems analysis for the…