Aging & Disabilities
Our team of experts and advocates works closely with states to ensure older adults, people with physical disabilities, and caregivers get the support they need.
Person-reported outcomes
In partnership with participating states and ADvancing States, we expanded our National Core Indicators (NCI) initiative to collect data on the quality of life and care for older people and people with physical disabilities. We ask people directly whether the public services they receive improve their ability to participate, engage, and live a life of their choosing in which they feel healthy and safe. We ask whether their services are culturally and linguistically appropriate. And whether services are holistic enough to encompass the social and environmental factors affecting their lives and health.
Visit National Core Indicators – Aging & Disabilities >
Age- and disability-friendly communities
We all want access to the services we need to live at home in our communities and make the most of our health and quality of life. Our team works with states to optimize home- and community-based services, and we develop roadmaps to help fill gaps.
At different points, people sometimes need more extensive levels of support. So we also take a broad view. We help states assess their whole array of long-term services and supports, including those provided in nursing and other residential facilities.
Person-centered planning and public engagement
In addition to lending our own wisdom and sharing rigorous research on exceptional service delivery, we also help states engage people with lived experience in all kinds of inclusive planning. When it comes to community resilience and future-proofing, for example, we all need a seat at the table. But historically, councils, committees, and commissions haven’t been the most inclusive. Together, we’re working to change that!