This is my archive
Massachusetts Real Lives and Self-Directed Supports Evaluation
Opportunity We evaluated the implementation of the Real Lives legislation and self-direction services by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. Real Lives was enacted in 2014 to expand self-direction of…
Personal Supports Budgets
Opportunity For over a decade, we worked with project partners (Burns & Associates and Davis Pier Consulting) and numerous states and Canadian provinces to reimagine the way they provide supports…
Studying Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Recipients
Opportunity With project partners at National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, we assisted staff at the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota on annual…
Evaluation of the Capacity of the New Hampshire Behavioral Health System
Opportunity The New Hampshire Legislature called for a comprehensive system evaluation to identify statewide behavioral health system needs, gaps, and recommendations. Under contract with the Department of Health and Human…
Multnomah County Mental Health System Analysis
Opportunity Multnomah County is focused on providing accessible and effective mental health services—connecting people to the right care at the right time. We conducted a deep systems analysis for the…
Baltimore City Public Behavioral Health System Analysis
Opportunity We worked with the City of Baltimore, Behavioral Health System Baltimore (a nonprofit), and our partners at Technical Assistance Collaborative to identify and address gaps in Baltimore’s public behavioral…
Evaluating SAMHSA’s Four Homelessness Programs and Resources
Opportunity With our project partners (RTI International, Advocates for Human Potential, Technical Assistance Collaborative and Center for Mental Health Policy and Services Research of the University of Pennsylvania), we worked…
Ohio’s IV-E Waiver Demonstration Evaluation
Opportunity Working with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, we evaluated the effects of flexible funding through the ProtectOHIO Title IV-E Waiver demonstration—providing evidence toward the use of…
Program Reviews of Oregon’s Independent Living Programs
Opportunity Working with the Oregon Department of Human Services, we conducted program reviews of Oregon’s Independent Living Programs (ILP) that assist youth who are aging out of foster care to…
Evaluation of the Summit County STARS Program
Opportunity Working with the Ohio Summit County Collaborative on Trauma, Alcohol & Other Drug, & Resiliency building Services for Children & Families (STARS) partners and the Family Reunification through Recovery…