SAMHSA/CSAP’s Program Evaluation for Prevention Contract (PEP-C)

Partnering with RTI International, we helped evaluate multiple nationwide prevention interventions funded by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), and we led an annual evaluation of Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) programs and outcomes.
Preventing Substance Use Disorders and HIV transmission in high-risk minority communities
MAI grantees conduct a community needs assessment, strategically plan strategies to address the identified needs, implement evidence-based interventions and provide free rapid testing services for HIV and viral hepatitis. They also offer prevention services such as:
- One-on-one and group counseling sessions
- Health education
- Screening
- Referrals to treatment
Grantees also conduct social norm campaigns and circulate prevention messages via billboards, media ads, and social media platforms.
The HSRI team cleaned and analyzed grantees process and outcome data submitted to SAMHSA and produced annual reports describing the implemented strategies and their impact on individuals and communities. We also produced and hosted webinars on data collection and evaluation for grantee staff, and we worked with local evaluators to ensure we were receiving and reviewing high-quality data.
The results
Grantee organizations have been successful in their outreach to vulnerable, high-risk groups. Our annual analyses have consistently found significant improvements in participants’ health knowledge and awareness of risk factors, as well as reductions in risky behaviors between program entry and exit.
More about our experience with the Minority AIDS Initiative:
Prevalence of unprotected sex decreased among male program participants by program exit—and particularly among men who have sex with men, the population group at highest risk of HIV transmission.
MAI program participants showed statistically significant improvements in attitudes associated with the risk of HIV infection and substance misuse.
MAI youth program participants showed a 23% increase in their HIV knowledge at program exit, as evidenced by responses to questions about how HIV is transmitted and how HIV infection can be avoided.
MAI program participants showed a greater awareness of local prevention services and resources at program exit.
Every year, CSAP awards Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) grants to approximately 100 to 200 community based behavioral health organizations and minority-serving colleges across the nation. Grantees use the funds to provide services that help reduce risk factors for substance misuse and HIV transmission.
To help CSAP gauge the impact of these efforts, we analyzed data from the grantees and produced an annual report with the findings.