HSRI is contracted by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DDHS) to provide recommendations on improving long-term services and supports (LTSS) for people with a variety of support needs, including people with intellectual and developmental disability, people with traumatic brain injury, people who are aging, and people with mental health support needs.
For this project, HSRI is researching best practices implemented in other states and programs, peer-reviewed research, and completing data analysis. The research topics cover a broad range of priorities, including waiver design, LTSS options, the quality improvement strategy, and projecting future service need, and others. This project will be conducted in collaboration with a steering committee who will be instrumental in identifying options for improvements. We will also be offering many opportunities for community engagement throughout the course of this project.
This project is designed to transform the way services are delivered in Utah, ensuring that individuals have greater choice, control, and access to high-quality, person-centered support. By promoting inclusion, it honors people’s right to decide where and with whom they live, while expanding opportunities for community services and competitive integrated employment. The initiative also enhances service quality by ensuring equitable access and fostering a highly skilled provider workforce. A commitment to person-centered support empowers individuals to direct their own services, receiving holistic care tailored to their needs. Finally, by improving coordination between agencies, funding, and reimbursement processes, the project strengthens the overall service system—helping more people receive the support they need to live fulfilling lives.