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New Federal Initiative Launched to Improve Person-Centered Practice

Date: 01/2019

On January 7, the Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the launch of the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS), administered by the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI).

During the past 30 years, systems for people with disabilities and older adults with long-term service and support needs have generally shifted to embrace person-centered principles, premised on the belief that people should have the authority Read More

ND Department of Human Resources Announces the Behavioral Health Vision 20/20 Survey and Website

Date: 12/2018

On December 7, the North Dakota Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division announced the Behavioral Health Vision 20/20 survey and website.  HSRI and the Behavioral Health Division partnered on these resources to advance the state's goal of realizing its vision of a good, modern and equitable behavioral health system.

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Webinar: Driving Healthcare Transparency with Actionable Resources

Date: 11/2018

Why is healthcare transparency important, and what resources can states use to promote it? Join members of our Population Health team and our partners from HonestHealth for a December 7 webinar. They'll be discussing their review of 230 transparency tools (conducted for New York State) and summarizing key findings and best practices.

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National Leadership Institute on Developmental Disabilities - Winter 2019

Date: 10/2018

Applications for the University of Delaware's National Leadership Institute on Developmental Disabilities, to be held this winter (Jan. 27 – Feb. 1, 2019) will be accepted through Dec. 5. Applications completed by Nov. 19 are eligible for an early-bird rate!

This week-long, intensive leadership development program is designed for current executive-level leaders and emerging leaders. Participants may work in areas of management or program leadership in organizations that provide, advocate for, or fund Read More

NCI Data Brief: Working in the Community - Update 3

Date: 09/2018

In their latest data brief, the NCI team collaborated once again with ThinkWork at the Institute for Community Inclusion to examine employment outcomes for people with IDD. According to the latest NCI data, 20.9% of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are in integrated community jobs—but the rate varies widely by state, from a low of 7.7% to a high of 47.8%.

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