Evaluating Consumer Satisfaction with Managed Health Care and Long-Term Supports in Illinois

Date: 6/2000

Author(s): Madeleine Kimmich, Jody Becker-Green

"In July 1998, the Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities (IPCDD) awarded a two-year grant to Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), to explore how well health care plans in Illinois meet the needs of people with developmental disabilities. HSRI teamed with Medicaid Working Group, People First of Illinois (PFI), and the Illinois Family Support Network. Initially designed to assess the impact of a new managed health care initiative, called Medi-Plan Plus, the study soon broadened in scope to look at Medicaid overall, because the Illinois Department of Pubic Aid (DPA) decided to exclude people with developmental disabilities from Medi-Plan Plus."

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