Everyday Kids, Everyday Lives: A Vision for Pennsylvania’s Children

Date: 9/2003

Author(s): Julie Silver, Marianne Taylor, Amy Letourneau, Guy Caruso, Celia Feinstein, Laura Detweiler

Everyday Kids, Everyday Lives: A Vision for Pennsylvania's Children gathers the reflections of Pennsylvanians who care deeply about the lives of young children and their future in the Commonwealth. Its purpose is to inspire and guide others who also care deeply about strengthening child and family life in Pennsylvania. The document was developed through a collaboration of parents, professionals and policy makers to discuss and debate what ALL young children (birth to age 8) in Pennsylvania should expect of their communities and families. Through this vision statement their thoughts are joined to create a compelling and inspiring vision of child and family life that includes all young children in all aspects of community life: All kids should live in loving families and welcoming communities. Loving families and welcoming communities include love & relationships, fun, growth, learning, resources, acceptance, competence, spirituality, health and safety. The collaboration was facilitated by Human Services Research Institute, the Institute on Disabilities, Pennsylvania's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service at Temple University, with support from the Pennsylvannia Developmental Disabilities Council, Grant #21490012, 2003, Human Services Research Institute and Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council. Permission to reprint, copy and distribute this work is granted provided that it is reproduced as a whole, distributed at no more than the actual cost, and displays this copyright notice. Any other reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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