
NADD Conference Presentation: People With Self-Injurious Behavior

This presentation provides a brief background on self-injurious behavior in people with ID/DD, a review of NCI data on the relative characteristics and outcomes of people who need support for self-injurious behavior compared to those who do not, and an exploration of policy implications. … Read More

Date: 11/2018

Author(s): Valerie Bradley

Real Lives Evaluation: Year 2 Report

This report includes key findings and recommendations from the second year of HSRI's evaluation of the implementation of Real Lives legislation and self-directed services in Massachusetts. Year 2 focused on the infrastructure the State had developed to support self-direction. … Read More

Date: 10/2018

Author(s): HSRI

HSRI Evaluation Experience: Project LAUNCH

HSRI served as the technical assistance lead for SAMHSA's Project LAUNCH from 2013 through 2018. This flier outlines our capabilities to assist grantees in meeting and exceeding SAMHSA’s requirements for the evaluation component of their grant. … Read More

Date: 10/2018

Author(s): HSRI

HSRI Evaluation Experience: MAI

HSRI led the national cross-site evaluation for SAMHSA’s Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) from 2006 through 2018. This flier outlines our capabilities to assist grantees in meeting and exceeding SAMHSA’s requirements for the evaluation component of their grant. … Read More

Date: 10/2018

Author(s): HSRI

The Minority AIDS Initiative Cross-Site Evaluation Final Report

This report presents the results of an evaluation of four Minority AIDS Initiative grant programs overseen by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Identifying the types of strategies that work best for specific at-risk subpopulations, it has the potential to spark changes in policies and practices related to substance use and HIV prevention among at-risk minorities in communities disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. The report examines: activities implemented as part of the MAI grant program; … Read More

Date: 09/2018

Author(s): US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prepared by RTI International and HSRI

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