
Mental Health Leaders’ Views on Self-Direction

This research brief provides an overview of a study conducted by a team from HSRI, Boston College School of Social Work, and the University of Maryland School of Public Health, with funds from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The team looked into mental health program directors’ views on self-direction and found that the majority of program directors consider self-direction a high or moderate priority for their agency and have high expectations for … Read More

Date: 12/2017

Author(s): Bevin Croft, Research Associate

Real Lives Evaluation: Year 1 Report

This report includes key findings and recommendations from the first year of HSRI's evaluation of the implementation of Real Lives legislation in Massachusetts. Year 1 focused on the effectiveness of outreach efforts by the Department of Developmental Services to inform potential participants about the self-direction initiative. … Read More

Date: 09/2017

Author(s): HSRI

Simulation Modeling Approach for Planning and Costing Jail Diversion

This presentation provides an overview of HSRI's cost simulation model that helps counties assess the feasibility of a jail diversion program in their communities. The model projects the utilization, consumer outcomes, costs, and potential cost savings of jail diversion programs for justice-involved individuals with a mental illness and oftentimes a co-occurring substance use disorder. It can be used to explore the impact of various scenarios and service packages before counties decide to … Read More

Date: 8/2016

Author(s): David Hughes

Colorado Title IV-E Waiver Interim Evaluation Report

The Colorado Title IV-E Waiver Interim Evaluation Report explores the impact of the Title IV-E Waiver (a national child welfare demonstration project) in the first two years of implementation across participating counties (41 counties in Year 1; 48 in Year 2).  Under Waiver flexible funding, the Colorado Department of Child Welfare expects that children, youth, and families will continue to be better served with in-home services and supports rather than out-of-home placements; county departments of … Read More

Date: 2/2016

Author(s): Greg Forehand, Alli Schisler, Megan Villwock

Summit County Reunification Through Recovery Court: Parent and Coach

A descriptive overview of program participants in the Family Reunification Through Recovery Court - a voluntary program offered to some child welfare-involved families in Summit County, Ohio. The information analyzed come from county records, from staff records, and from qualitative interviews that centered on participants' understanding of program requirements and their satisfaction with the program. The report also shares the perspectives of recovery coaches, who support the program participants as part of a … Read More

Date: 12/2016

Author(s): Linda Newton-Curtis

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