
Illinois at the Tipping Point; Blueprint for System Redesign Update

In 2011, the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities asked HSRI to refresh the findings originally described in the Gap Analysis project conducted in 2007, review the progress made in Illinois since 2008 to implement the Action Steps recommended by the  original Blueprint, and offer additional recommendations as warranted.  This report presents a strategic assessment of the Illinois service system for people with I/DD, from 2008 to the present. … Read More

Date: 6/2012

Author(s): John Agosta, Drew Smith, Jaime Daignault, & Yoshi Kardell

The Riot! - Issue 32

Welcome to our We Are Family issue. Siblings can be our best friends and our biggest rivals. They make life both wonderful and challenging. In this issue, we celebrate siblings with stories, ideas and information about what it is like to be in a family of children with and without disabilities. … Read More

Date: 4/2012

Author(s): The Riot! Staff

Ohio SOAR Project: Year 1 Site Visit Report

This Year 1 Site Visit Report synthesizes qualitative findings from Year 1 site visits, conducted in the spring of 2011, supplemented by county-contextual information and discussions from regular SOAR consortium meetings from the early stages of DR implementation in six Ohio counties. The information gathered for this report is intended to provide a general understanding of the DR experience and impact to help SOAR counties reflect on their progress and make any needed midcourse corrections. The final evaluation … Read More

Date: 2/2012

Author(s): Julie Murphy, Madeleine Kimmich, Linda Newton-Curtis

Ohio’s Enhanced Kinship Navigator Project: Final Report

This Final Progress Report provides information on the configuration and context of the enhanced Kinship Navigator program in Ohio, along with quantitative findings from HSRI's evaluation of the program. It also provides a series of recommendations. … Read More

Date: 12/2012

Author(s): HSRI

Family Engagement – Presented at the QIC-DR Conference

Presentation: Family Engagement, Exploring  Common Understanding and Methods To Assess Family Engagement What does it mean? How do we know if we are doing 'it'? … Read More

Date: 11/2012

Author(s): Julie Murphy, Kevin E. Brown

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