
NCI Annual Report 2007-2008

This report provides detailed state system performance data on individual outcomes, including employment, community participation, choice and decision making; health, welfare and rights covering personal safety, self advocacy and use of medications; family outcomes, addressing information and planning, choice and control and access to support; and other dimensions such as staff stability and competency, and system performance. Intended to be used in combination with other quality measures such as critical incident reporting, risk assessment and … Read More

Date: 9/2009

Author(s): NCI

A Strategic Path Forward - Action Steps

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) in collaboration with the Strategic Path Work Group stakeholders engaged the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to develop A Strategic Path Forward for Florida’s system for serving people with developmental disabilities.  In response, two reports were prepared.  The first provides an analysis of the Planning Context within which policy makers must act in Florida.  This second report offers a series of Action Steps for … Read More

Date: 9/2009

Author(s): John Agosta, Ph.D., Drew Smith, B.A., Jaime Daignault, M.S., Jon Fortune, Ed. D., and Robert Gettings, M.P.A.

A Strategic Path Forward - Planning Context

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) in collaboration with the Strategic Path Work Group stakeholders engaged the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to develop A Strategic Path Forward for Florida’s system for serving people with developmental disabilities. This is the first of two reports prepared by HSRI for the FDDC. Here, we provide an analysis of the Planning Context within which policy makers must act in Florida. A second report offers a series … Read More

Date: 9/2009

Author(s): John Agosta, Ph.D., Drew Smith, B.A., Jaime Daignault, M.S., Jon Fortune, Ed. D., and Robert Gettings, M.P.A.

Ten Issues for States to Consider in Implementing Individual or Level-Based Budget Allocations

This report is the second of two reports HSRI developed for IRLU focusing on the developmen of assessment informed resouce alloaction.  The first document provided case studies of HSRI's work, therein this document reviews ten key questions/issues states are faced with when embarking on this work.  The report offers case studies in which HSRI has partnered with states in completing the work.  … Read More

Date: 4/2009

Author(s): Madeleine Kimmich, D.S.W., John Agosta, Ph.D., Jon Fortune, Ed.D., Drew Smith, B.A., Kerri Melda, M.S., Karen Auerbach, Ph.D., and Sarah Taub, M.M.H.S.

Developing Individual Budgets and Reimbursement Levels Using the Supports Intensity Scale

This report offers a detailed description of the work HSRI has done with states that have embarked on developing as assessment-based research allocation system.  The report offers case studies in which HSRI has partnered with states in completing the work.  … Read More

Date: 4/2009

Author(s): Madeleine Kimmich, D.S.W., John Agosta, Ph.D., Jon Fortune, Ed.D., Drew Smith, B.A., Kerri Melda, M.S., Karen Auerbach, Ph.D., and Sarah Taub, M.M.H.S.

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