
Blueprint for System Redesign in Illinois

"The Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD) engaged the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to develop a Blueprint for System Redesign. The Blueprint is intended as a concrete system redesign action plan for reducing Illinois’ over reliance on serving people with developmental disabilities in large congregate care facilities and increasing access to quality supports in the community. The Blueprint outlines an action plan for the next seven years to reconfigure the Illinois system to … Read More

Date: 1/2008

Author(s): Gary Smith, John M. Agosta and Jaime Daignault.  Contributors: Eric S. Zaharia and Ernest McKenney.

Gap Analysis: Services and Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities in Illinois

"The Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD) engaged the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to prepare a Blueprint for System Redesign in Illinois. The Blueprint is intended to serve as a concrete, system redesign action plan for reducing Illinois’ over reliance on serving people with developmental disabilities in large congregate care facilities and increasing access to quality supports in the community." … Read More

Date: 1/2008

Author(s): Gary Smith, John Agosta and Jaime Daignault.  Other Contributors: Eric S. Zaharia and Ernest McKenney.

National Accreditation of Community Service Providers to Individuals with Intellectual and Developme

The Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities engaged HSRI to conduct a survey of the 50 states to determine current state quality management practices pertaining to provider national accreditation. … Read More

Date: /2008

Author(s): HSRI

Gauging the Use of HCBS Support Waivers

"To gain an understanding of how and why states are reconfiguring their HCBS waivers for people with I&DD, the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation (ASPE), U. S. Department of Health & Human Services sponsored this study in order to compile systematic information about the supports waivers that states operate. This study was conducted by the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) under subcontract to the Research Triangle Institute (RTI)." … Read More

Date: 4/2007

Author(s): Gary Smith, John Agosta and Jon Fortune

National Core Indicators: Ten Years, Twenty Six States and Countless Achievements

This short report describes the evolution of the National Core Indicators over the past 10 years, the accomplishments of the initiative, and challenges and opportunities going forward. … Read More

Date: 11/2007

Author(s): NCI

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