
Handling Emergencies: A Guide to Personal Safety and Emergency Management

This guide for individuals with disabilities helps people who live in their own homes to prevent emergencies from occurring and to plan in case an emergency does occur. Prepared by HSRI for the State of Oregon, Services to People with Disabilities, the guide addresses six risk areas — medications, medical conditions, abuse & neglect, back-up caregiving, home safety and natural disasters — and includes an emergency information sheet and other quick-reference lists. … Read More

Date: 9/2006

Author(s): Jaime Johnston, Madeleine Kimmich, Reena Wagle

A Guide to Employing Individual Providers Under Participant Direction

"In this monograph, we discuss program design considerations to assist states as they move toward greater individuality and flexibility in the provision of services and supports for individuals who have disabilities and/or significant functional limitations and require ongoing assistance. Specifically, the monograph outlines topics that states should consider as they expand opportunities for participants to choose and direct individual providers who provide assistance to them, including the risks and benefits of these arrangements, provider … Read More

Date: 3/2006

Author(s): June Rowe, Gary Smith, Valerie Bradley, David Martin and Suzanne Crisp

A Practical Guide for Quality Management in Home & Community-Based Waiver Programs

"This Guide is designed to provide states with practical information about sampling techniques and strategies that they can employ in their quality management work. Its purpose is to offer states information to consider when deciding whether to sample, and to identify issues for consideration once the decision to sample has been made. The information presented here is intended to familiarize the reader with basic concepts and considerations; it should not take the place of seeking … Read More

Date: 3/2006

Author(s): Sarah Taub, MMHS and Ruth Freedman, PhD.  Other Contributors: Julie F. Silver, Elizabeth Pell, June Rowe, Giuseppina Chiri, Beth Jackson and Sara Galantowicz.

NCI Data Brief: Family Support

"This data brief compares findings across the three family surveys conducted as part of National Core Indicators (NCI) ( 1) the Child Family Survey (for families of children with disabilities living at home); 2) the Adult Family Survey (for families of adults with disabilities living at home); and 3) the Family Guardian Survey (for families of adults with disabilities living outside the family’s home)." … Read More

Date: 8/2005

Author(s): NCI

Risk Management and Quality in HCBS: Individual Risk Planning and Prevention, System-Wide Quality Im

"Recognizing that states are engaging in risk planning for HCBS waiver participants, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requested that the National Contractor for Quality in Home and Community Based Waiver Services management in community-based services. Specifically, we (the National Contractor staff) were asked to: determine how some states were currently addressing risk for waiver participants on an individual level; identify risk management themes and emerging issues; and identify any state tools or … Read More

Date: 2/2005

Author(s): Elizabeth Pell, June Rowe

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