
Gauging How Well Colorado Supports Its Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

As part of its evaluation of the Colorado Systems Change Project, HSRI was asked to make recommendations regarding a comprehensive set of performance measures for developmental disabilities services. … Read More

Date: 1/2003

Author(s): Gary Smith

Finding Evidence-based Practices: A Compilation of On-Line, Searchable Databases and descriptions

This is a reference guide developed by the Evaluation Center on a list of on-line resources pertaining to evidence-based practices. Electronic resources include sites that focus on evidence-based mental health interventions, those that contain reviews of interventions for mental health and other medical disorders, sites that focus on understanding and using evidence-based medicine that are not specific to mental health, and printed references to evidence-based mental health practices. … Read More

Date: 06/2003

Author(s): The Evaluation Center @ HSRI

Not All Statistically Significant Differences are Alike

Equivalence analysis is a new statistical tool for human services research. Stemming from pharmaceutical bioequivalence analysis, equivalence analysis offers a different perspective then traditional null hypothesis testing. … Read More

Date: 06/2003

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Who is Paying for Outcomes Management Programs

This is a compilation of unedited messages from the OUTCMTEN list that were received between June 13, 2003 and August 4, 2003. This discussion focused on methods of paying for service provider outcomes management programs. … Read More

Date: 06/2003

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Outcomes and Return on Investment (ROI)

This is a compilation of unedited messages from the OUTCMTEN list that were received between March 25, 2003 and April 11, 2003. This discussion focused on incorporating outcome measurement activities into program evaluation, as well as ways to show organizations and funding sources that such activities show a return on investment. … Read More

Date: 05/2003

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

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