
Representative Sample for Outcomes

This is a compilation of unedited messages from the OUTCMTEN list that were received between March 20, 2003 and March 25, 2003. This discussion focused on the practice of using outcome measures on a sample of program participants versus on the entire population of program participants. … Read More

Date: 05/2003

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Training in Cultural Competence

The increasing numbers and percentages of minority populations in the United States, along with the accumulating evidence of service disparities in access, continuity, and quality for people of minority cultures (Brach, & Fraser, 2002; Snowden, 2003; Sue, Fujino, Hu, Takeuchi, & Zane, 1991), create a profound sense of urgency among the public health service providers to resolve the treatment discrepancies between different cultural groups. … Read More

Date: 04/2003

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Measuring System Impacts on MH Recovery

What is mental health recovery? What helps the individual in the process of recovery? What hinders? How do mental health systems and staff help, and how do they hinder? How can these effects be measured? A recent report entitled “Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What Hinders?” represents the first step of a national project designed to address these questions. … Read More

Date: 02/2003

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Person-Centered Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities in the State of Connecticut

This case study is part of a larger project called Reinventing Quality, sponsored by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and conducted by the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) in collaboration with the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Community Integration and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). … Read More

Date: 7/2002

Author(s): Valerie J Bradley, Sarah taub, Gary Smith

Person-Centered Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities in the Sunflower State

This case study is part of a larger project called Reinventing Quality, sponsored by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and conducted by the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) in collaboration with the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Community Integration and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). … Read More

Date: 6/2002

Author(s): Valerie J Bradley, Gary Smith, Sarah Taub

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