
Root Cause Analysis

This introduction to root cause analysis, and its adaptation to developmental disabilities systems, has been commissioned by the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) in an effort to assist state DD program administrators enhance their risk management and quality improvement activities. It is designed to provide guidance on the use of root cause analysis to individuals charged with managing programs and larger systems that serve and support persons with developmental disabilities.  … Read More

Date: 3/2002

Author(s): Staugatis, PhD, Steven D

An Evaluation of the Colorado Systems Change Project

In 1997, Colorado Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS)/Department of Human Services (DHS) launched the “Systems Change Project.”  By way of this initiative, significant structural modifications were made in Colorado’s community service delivery system for people with developmental disabilities. This report contains the results of the HSRI evaluation of the Systems Change Project. … Read More

Date: 12/2002

Author(s): Gary A. Smith, John M. Agosta, Reena Wagle

Relationship Between Quality Improvement Activities

This is a compilation of messages from the OUTCMTEN list that were received between November 19, 2002 and December 20, 2002. This discussion focused on how various quality improvement activities are defined and how they relate to outcomes management. … Read More

Date: 11/2002

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Person-Centered Supports — How Do States Make Them Work?

Summary of an evaluation of person centered practices in 4 leading States. "The fundamental aim of the Reinventing Quality project is to support the efforts of state and local stakeholders of all types to accelerate the more widespread adoption of person-centered principles and practices in the operation of public systems serving people with developmental disabilities. This project has been governed by the Principles of Person-Centered Supports developed during the grant’s first year and disseminated … Read More

Date: 11/2002

Author(s): Valerie J Bradley, Gary Smith, Sarah Taub, Minona Heaviland

Wisconsin State Site Visit

Evaluation of person centered practices in 4 leading States. "Our May 2001 visit to Wisconsin revealed that stakeholders remain fervently committed to the principles of person-centered supports. Those principles describe the fundamental expectations and vision for services and supports in Wisconsin." … Read More

Date: 11/2002

Author(s): Valerie J Bradley, Gary Smith, Minona Heaviland

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