
Excerpt: A Model of Indicators & A Report Card

This is a brief excerpt taken from a Model of Indicators & a Report Card for an assessment of mental health plans and systems performance. It includes various means of presenting and interpreting performance assessment data and disseminating findings. Sample Report Card formats with graphic illustrations are also included. … Read More

Date: 06/2000

Author(s): The Evaluation Center @HSRI

Can We Measure Recovery? A Compendium of Recovery and Recovery-Related Instruments

This compendium includes a discussion on the conceptualization of and measurement issues related to recovery. Following this general discussion, the compendium is divided into two main sections — Recovery Measures, which covers instruments that purport to measure some aspect of recovery and Recovery-Related Measures which provides information on instruments that measure content that may be related to recovery. The actual instruments and related readings are included in an appendix to the compendium. … Read More

Date: 06/2000

Author(s): Ruth O. Ralph, Ph.D., Kathryn Kidder, M.A. & Dawna Phillips, M.P.H.

Written Treatment Plans and Mental Health Outcomes

This is a compilation of unedited messages from the OUTCMTEN list that were received between March 21, 2000 and March 31, 2000. This discussion focused on “studies which examine the effects of a written treatment plan on outcome in mental health clinics.” … Read More

Date: 03/2000

Author(s): The Evaluation Center @ HSRI

Providing & Evaluating Culturally Competent Care

This issue discusses the conceptualization and delivery of culturally competent mental health services. It highlights two aspects of culturally competent care, measuring consumer identity and using culturally appropriate diagnosis, assessment and treatment. … Read More

Date: 02/2000

Author(s): Evaluation Center@HSRI

Culture, Race and Ethnicity in Performance Measurement: A Compendium of Resources, Version 1

This compendium is a compilation of resources and readings for those interested in the area of providing or evaluating culturally competent mental health care. It is designed to be a dynamic resource. This compendium provides resources for several elements of a culturally competent mental health system as the Center has conceptualized it. Following are the topical areas covered: cultural competence standards; community needs assessment; measures of identity; culturally competent diagnosis, assessment and outcomes measures; and … Read More

Date: 9/1999

Author(s): Dawna Phillips, M.P.H., H. Stephen Leff, Ph.D., Eva Kaniasty, Michael Carter, Marcel Paret, Theresa Conley, Manisha Sharma

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