
A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Intersystem Impacts of Managed Behavioral Health Care: Re

This essay presents an "open systems" perspective on current alcohol, drug abuse and mental health (ADM) reforms as a conceptual framework for evaluating their intersystem impacts. The framework focuses both on reforms within the ADM system itself (managed behavioral health care, MBHC, in particular) and those coming from outside that system (such as welfare reform). It is based on a review of the literature and discussions among a group of consultants attending a meeting held … Read More

Date: 4/1997

Author(s): Howard H. Goldman, MD, Ph.D. & Joseph P. Morrissey

Use of BASIS-32 for Outcome Assessment of Recipients of Outpatient Mental Health Services

This study was undertaken to test both the technical and practical aspects of usefulness of BASIS-32 for outcome assessment of recipients of mental health outpatient services. The technical aspects focused on the ability of BASIS-32 to accurately and reliably assess the client's difficulty in each of the domains that comprise the BASIS-32 and its potential for documenting change. Practical aspects of usefulness focused on the processes and costs of outcome assessment, including data collection, management, … Read More

Date: 3/1997

Author(s): Sue Eisen, Ph.D., Marsha Wilcox, Ed.D., Elizabeth Schaefer, M.Ed., Melissa Culhane, BA, H. Stephen Leff, Ph.D.

Seventh Annual National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) Research Ins

The proceedings contain papers and presentation materials from the Seventh Annual National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Conference on State Mental Health Agency Services Research and Program Evaluation. … Read More

Date: 2/1997

Author(s): The Evaluation Center @ HSRI

The Need to Ensure Local Competition and Individual Choice in Managing Long Term Support Arrangemen

This paper describes two seminal movements: the move to self-determination and community inclusion in the disabilities field and the move to managed care arrangements in the health care field. It points to the powerful advantage of marrying the two, but warns that the marriage will work only in a competitive community marketplace. Policy-makers, administrators, advocates and providers interested in improving long term supports for people with disabilities are urged to foster managed competition and to … Read More

Date: 2/1997

Author(s): John Ashbaugh

What Policy Makers Want: A Guide for Evaluators

Politics or self-interest may outweigh research findings and dictate results. But solid, well supported answers to policy questions can powerfully influence decisions. They can deter outcomes that contradict known fact or experience. They can suggest solutions to policy problems. And they can shape the underlying base of knowledge and understanding about an issue. Many sources inform the policy process and the policymaker. The purpose of this Guide is to help evaluators become more effective informers. … Read More

Date: 1/1997

Author(s): Leslie J. Scallet, JD

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