
Evaluating Models of Medicaid Managed Mental Health: Program and Evaluation Materials from States

This resource book provides original materials from states about their managed mental health care programs for Medicaid recipients as well as materials from the evaluations of these programs. In addition, Evaluation Center staff have prepared a brief overview of the program and evaluations of each of the eleven states included. States were chosen for inclusion that had Medicaid managed mental health care programs, and had program evaluations planned, in process, or completed. Since this has … Read More

Date: /1996

Author(s): The Evaluation Center @ HSRI

Decentralization of Services for People with Developmental Disabilities in Central Europe

"On April 6-7, 1995, AJJDC collaborated with the Human Services Research Institute and the Czech government to convene a symposium on decentralization of social services. The meeting was held in Prague of the Czech Republic and was attended by individuals composing country teams from five central and east European countries, including Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Facilitating discussion were others from the United States, Israel, Norway and Denmark." … Read More

Date: 9/1995

Author(s): John Agosta, Ph.D., Kerri Melda

Study of the Implementation of Independent Service Coordination under Bogard v. Bradley

"In September 1994, the Office of the Court Monitor in re: Bogard v Bradley contracted with Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to study the implementation of the service coordination stipulations in the Bos:ard consent decree, issued in 1992. The major issue of concern was the decree's mandate that service coordination ratios not exceed 1:30. HSRI proposed to examine the broader question of how independent service coordination agencies (lSC agencies) can best fulfill their role while … Read More

Date: 7/1995

Author(s): Madeleine Kimmich, Ph.D.

Cluster Analysis of Service Data for Managed Care and Mental Health Systems Evaluation

The purpose of this short working paper is to introduce cluster analysis and illustrate its application to analyzing mental health service utilization data in the context of managed care and systems evaluation. While this exposition may not be sufficient to understand all the complexities of the procedure, it will enable people with elementary statistic knowledge to use software packages intelligently. The paper provides references to several texts on cluster analysis for those interested in furthering … Read More

Date: 6/1995

Author(s): H. Stephen Leff, Ph.D., Marcus Leiberman, Ph.D., & Matthew M. Wise, MPH

Report on Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Service Recipient Mortality 1991-1993

This report describes the results of a task force that investigated deaths among persons served by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH) in recent years. The report has sections addressing the trend in the mortality rate, recommendations for improvement in data systems, preventable or postponable deaths, and the investigation process. The task force specified 38 recommendations to the DMH for system improvement. The Evaluation Center@HSRI provided technical assistance to the task force and is … Read More

Date: 12/1995

Author(s): The Critical Incident Reporting Task Force

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