
Trying to Play Together: Competing Paradigms in Approaches to Integration Through Recreation and Le

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Date: 03/1992

Author(s): Bruce Blaney, Valerie J Bradley, Ellisa Freud, Marsha Ellison

McKinney Mental Health Services for Homeless - Block Grant Program:  A Summary of FY 1989

"Homelessness in America remains a persistent problem and viable solutions continue to elude policy makers and service providers. While controversy still surrounds the issue of how many persons are homeless at any given time, it is painfully apparent that the numbers are not declining. Very obvious among the ranks of the homeless are persons with severe mental illness. These individuals represent approximately one-third of homeless single adults and present a complicated clinical picture with … Read More

Date: 6/1991

Author(s): Mauch, Virginia Mulkern, Ph.D.

Building a Comprehensive System of Family Support in IL

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Date: 12/1991

Author(s): John Agosta, Ph.D., Deatherage, Valerie J Bradley

Testing Family Support and Family Empowerment: Key Finding Across Four Pilots

"In 1988 the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Planning Council CDDPC) funded four pilot demonstration family support programs. This report presents the findings of an evaluation of one of the four programs. This section presents an introduction to all four pilots. The remaining sections present the findings of the case study of the family support pilot conducted by the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Philadelphia. Appendices to this report and the other three evaluations are available from the … Read More

Date: 1/1991

Author(s): Ellison, Freud, Bruce Blaney, Knoll, Bersani

Site Visit Review

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Date: 04/1991

Author(s): Valerie J. Bradley and Allen C. Crocker

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