
Managed Care and Vulnerable Populations Study:  Adults with Serious Mental Illness Core Paper 2:

"The Managed Care study comprises three major components: 1) a prospective sample-survey consumer self-report study that relies on survey data involving service use, quality, outcomes, satisfaction and cost; 2) a claims and encounter  study that focuses on service use, costs and quality, drawing on claims and encounter data for all Medicaid recipients in the target service areas; and 3) a taxonomy of managed care organizations that examines the strategies and organizational arrangements in each of the study … Read More

Date: 4/1988

Author(s): Adult SMI Managed Care Study Group

Fitting the Pilot into the Present System: A Review of Existing Family Support Programs in Massachu

  As is shown below, policy makers in Massachusetts have reacted to the needs of children with disabilities and their families by implementing a variety of programs through several state agencies. Though such programs may not yet reach all those in need, their existence and the recent emphasis placed on such initiatives by families and professionals alike reflects a growing commitment in the state to supporting family efforts. "As is shown below, policy makers in … Read More

Date: 4/1988

Author(s): Crane, Skilling-Goff

Using Cash Assistance to Support Families

"Families who provide care at home to persons with developmental disabilities can face a variety of extraordinary challenges. In response, a growing number of states are implementing programs to support family efforts, with about 15 offering cash assistance to families to offset the costs they incur." … Read More

Date: 4/1988

Author(s): John Ashbaugh

Review of Quality Assurance Activities

"The goal of the Minnesota Project on Client-based Reimbursement for Providers of Services to Persons with Mental Retardation is as the project title states: to develop a client-based reimbursement system for three types of services to perSons with developmental disabilities in Minnesota--waivered services, day activity centers, and intermediate care facilities (ICF-MR's). For the purposes of this report and the project activities addressed herein, the focus is on reimbursement for residents in ICF-MR's." … Read More

Date: 9/1986

Author(s): Larry Irvin

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