
Resourse Allocation Options for The Alabama Department of Mental Health

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Date: 03/1986

Author(s): H. Stephen Leff, Ph.D., White, Swartz, Losen, Bhattacharya

Designing Programs to Support Family Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities:  Concepts to

"The following report, divided into two parts, presents the results of a one year project funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The purpose of the project was to explore the issues surrounding the provision of services to families with developmentally disabled members, to assess the status of family support programs around the country, and to apply the information secured to the task of … Read More

Date: 9/1985

Author(s): John Agosta, Ph.D., Valerie J Bradley, Ann Rugg, Rebecca Spence, Susan Covert

Pennhurst Longitudinal Study: Combined Report of Five Years of Research and Analysis

Longitudinal study of the impact of the closure of Pennhurst Center, in Pennsylvania, on public policy costs and individual outcomes. Note:  This is a large file and can take some time to download. … Read More

Date: 3/1985

Author(s): James Conroy, Valerie J Bradley

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