
Family Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities: A Growing Commitment

A conceptual framework to guide the development of family support policy.Executive Summary also available - Pub code 160-es … Read More

Date: 05/1985

Author(s): John Agosta, Ph.D., Valerie J Bradley

Citizen Evaluation in Practice:  A Casebook on Citizen Evaluation of Mental Health and Other Servic

This Casebook builds on this sequence of technical assistance, moving from general manuals to specifc cases by providing examples of how citizen groups have been able to put program evaluation into practice. The project to develop this case book was proposed by the NIMH regional office task force on Program Evaluation, endorsed by National Council of Community Mental Health Centers and the Council on Research and Evaluation, and financed as part of NIMH's technical assistance … Read More

Date: 1/1984

Author(s): Valerie J Bradley, MaryAnn Allard, Virginia Mulkern, Ph.D.

Assessing and Enhancing the Quality of Services:  A Guide for the Human Services Field

The following manual provides a new way of viewing quality assurance mechanisms and presents a variety of concrete methods for enhancing service quality while also regulating provider accountability.  The purpose of the document is to assist public officials, social services professionals, consumers, and their advocates to design and install quality assurance techniques that are cost-effective, utilize existing resources, respond to client interests, and stretch the capabilitites of social services agencies to their maximum potential. … Read More

Date: 05/1984

Author(s): Valerie J Bradley, John Ashbaugh, Allard, Harder, Stoddard, et al

Assuring the Quality of Services to Persons With Developmental Disabilities in Colorado:  System De

"The size of the community residential network in Colorado has tripled over the last five years. In 1976-77 an estimated 400 adult clients with developmental disabilities were residing in community living arrangements. By 1981-82 the number had grown to nearly 1,200 adults and this does not include residents in the thirty-five 8-bed satellite program facilities constructed over the last few years. Under Colorado's Title XIX community waiver the number of residential programs, day programs, and case … Read More

Date: 9/1983

Author(s): John Ashbaugh, Valerie J Bradley, Nurczynski, Cravedi

Pennhurst: Comparative Analysis

The Pennhurst cost study is intended to surmount many of the limitations found in previous studies by employing a more comprehensive and rigorous design, including more exacting cost findings procedures in conjunction with more refined program performance measures (i.e., measures of corresponding program outputs and outcomes). … Read More

Date: 12/1983

Author(s): John Ashbaugh and Mary Ann Allard

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