
An Analysis of Mental Health Center Cost

"The cost of Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) services is of considerable interest and concern to federal, state and county planners and decision makers. Georgia legislators, Department of Human Resources officials, and county commissioners must carefully weigh the costs and benefits of assuming a greater share of Center costs as the federal support continues to decline. What level and pattern of CMHC services should be maintained through state and county support?" … Read More

Date: 9/1978

Author(s): John Ashbaugh

Evaluation of First Step to Success Replication: Final Report

Final Report Executive Summary "First Step to Success is an early intervention program for young children at risk of delinquent behavior. A First Step coach works intensely with the target child, using a system of rewards for behavior, which gradually decreases. Eventually, the teacher takes over the role of coach. In 1999, the Oregon legislature made funds available though the Oregon Commission on Children and Families (OCCF), to enable school districts to have their teachers trained … Read More

Author(s): Janae Zolna, Madeleine Kimmich, Laura Hawkinson

Stakeholder Perspectives on Mental Health Performance Indicators

This material is a two-part document containing "A Compilation Of The Literature On What Consumers Want From Mental Health Services" and "Performance Indicators For A Consumer-Oriented Mental Health Report Card: Literature Review & Analysis." Both are working papers prepared for the Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) Task Force on the Development of a Mental Health Care Report Card. … Read More

Author(s): Working papers prepared for the Mental Health Statistical Improvement Program (MHSIP) Phase II Task Force.

Science of Refugee Mental Health: New Concepts and Methods

This monograph presents scientific overviews of the major methods in the field of refugee mental health. The monograph also presents summaries of presentations from a 1992 conference sponsored by the Refugee Mental Health Program at the National Institute of Mental Health, the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma at the Harvard School of Public Health, and the Indochinese Psychiatric Clinic at St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston. This material will be helpful to mental health researchers and providers … Read More

Author(s): Edited by: WooTaek Jeon, M.D., Ph.D, Masaya Yoshioka, M.D., Richard F. Mollica, M.D., M.A.R.

Measuring Conformance to Treatment Guidelines: The Example of the Schizophrenia PORT

The use of adherence to guidelines to measure quality of care has emerged as a major tool in the quality management arsenal. This toolkit has been developed to illustrate how to design a measurement strategy around a set of guidelines as a means of assessing how well an organization is actually implementing those guidelines. This toolkit is not a guide to the treatment of schizophrenia. A major reason is the PORT guidelines, as described in … Read More

Author(s): The Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team, University of Maryland School of Medicine, and John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health

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