
NCAPPS: Person-Centered Systems Change - Reflections From the First Technical Assistance Cohort

In this webinar, representatives from 4 of the 15 NCAPPS states showcase their systems change achievements and share what they’ve learned and what they plan to do next. Following this, panelists participate in a discussion facilitated by people with lived experience who’ll provide insights into why engaging people who use services is essential for person-centered systems change. The webinar closes with information about how to apply for the next round of NCAPPS … Read More

Date: 06/2021

Author(s): National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems

NCAPPS: Person-Centered Planning in Disaster Preparedness

In this webinar, experts describe what we've learned from the events of 2020 and early months of 2021 and how we can be better equipped to respond to future disasters in a person-centered manner. It is clear that planning ahead for emergencies is a must-do, particularly for those who rely on long-term services and supports for their daily wellbeing. What does person-centered planning for disasters look like? And how do we ensure that disaster responses … Read More

Date: 04/2021

Author(s): NCAPPS

North Dakota Behavioral Health Plan: Project Dashboard

A dashboard of progess on North Dakota's Plan for Behavioral Health Systems Change … Read More

Date: 04/2021

Author(s): HSRI & the North Dakota Behavioral Health Planning Council

TBI Tuesdays - Advisory Boards

The focus of this final TBI Tuesday session is on TBI State Advisory Boards/Councils and how to better engage members, especially individuals with brain injury. Two TBI State Partnership Program (SPP) grantees will present on the TBI SPP Advisory Board Toolkit. We’ll also hear from our federal partner from the Office of Independent Living Programs at ACL on the importance of consumer engagement. Representatives from the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance … Read More

Date: 04/2021

Author(s): ACL's Traumatic Brain Injury Technical Assistance and Resource Center

NCAPPS: What Does a Person-Centered System Look Like?

In this webinar, the NCAPPS team shares the Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment, a new tool to help leadership measure progress in developing more person-centered systems. First, the tool’s creator provides an overview, and then human services staff and people with lived experience from North Dakota share their experiences putting the tool to use. … Read More

Date: 02/2021

Author(s): National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)

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