
Skill Areas for Person-Centered Planning

This is a short, plain-language summary of an NCAPPS report that details the five types of skills needed for people who facilitate person-centered planning. The full-length report is available on the NCAPPS website. … Read More

Date: 01/2021

Author(s): NCAPPS

Doing With, Not Doing For: What it Takes to Facilitate Person-Centered Planning

This January 6, 2021 NCAPPS webinar is a panel discussion with experts about what it takes for the planning process to be truly person-centered. Notably: that staff who facilitate person-centered planning possess the skills to keep the focus on the person, cultivate connections, maximize choice and control, communicate clearly, and make sure the plan is implemented according to the person’s wishes. … Read More

Date: 01/2021

Author(s): NCAPPS

NCAPPS: Person-Centered Supports for People with Dementia

What do person-centered dementia supports look like to you? What are community approaches to support people living with dementia in a person-centered way? In this NCAPPS webinar, a diverse group of panelists discuss their personal and professional experiences with dementia. They also share individual, community, and system level approaches to make supports for people with dementia more person-centered. … Read More

Date: 11/2020

Author(s): NCAPPS

Webinar: Embracing Diversity in Person-Centered Practices

During this final webinar in a three-part series, presenters discuss the impact of cultural awareness, competency and equity in person-centered thinking, planning, and practice. Speakers, including a panel of people with lived-experience, demonstrate that person-centered planning is for everyone and share best practices for increasing accessibility related to communication and language barriers to ensure that the plans and practices are personalized and reflect the desires of the person receiving services. … Read More

Date: 11/2020

Author(s): North Dakota Department of Human Services

Webinar: Putting People at the Center of the Practices

During the second webinar in a three-part series, presenters discussed practical tips on how stakeholders can support people with disabilities in the process of person-centered planning. Speakers demonstrated that person-centered planning is for everyone; shared best practices on receiving person-centered services online; and discussed choice, decision-making, self-determination, risk, and the element of consent.  … Read More

Date: 11/2020

Author(s): North Dakota Department of Human Services

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