
Full Participation Guidelines Summary

A summary of the Full Participation Guidelines document, presenting points to consider and accommodation checklists for encouraging full and meaningful participation across workgroups, events and advisory councils … Read More

Date: 10/2020

Author(s): TBI SPP Workgroup

Full Participation Guidelines

Best practices and tips for supporting full and meaningful participation in meetings, work groups, and conferences. … Read More

Date: 10/2020

Author(s): TBI SPP Work Group

NCAPPS: Facilitation for Choice and Control

Person-centered planning facilitation can help to create a robust person-centered whole-life plan incorporating all resources that can be mobilized to support a person—not just paid services and supports. In this NCAPPS webinar, people with disabilities and their facilitators share their experiences with person-centered planning facilitation services. They are joined by a national expert in disability services who describes how person-centered planning facilitation services can be incorporated to enhance person-centered systems. … Read More

Date: 10/2020

Author(s): National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems

NCAPPS: Student-Directed Individualized Education Plan

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a cornerstone in the planning and delivery of educational supports for students who are eligible for special education services. How can systems ensure that the IEP is truly person-centered? Making sure the student plays a central role in forming and implementing an IEP is a first step as the student develops their strengths and receives appropriate support. In this NCAPPS webinar, a panel — featuring an educational consultant, a … Read More

Date: 10/2020

Author(s): National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems

Webinar: Building Foundations for Person-Centered Practices

The first webinar in a three-part series from the North Dakota Department of Human Services, presenters discuss what Person-Centered Practices are and share lived experiences to demonstrate why they are important. Details on North Dakota’s Person-Centered Practices initiative were discussed, including how the State is developing a strong and consistent vision and universal understanding of person-centeredness across all North Dakota Department of Human Services entities and community partners. The webinar took place on … Read More

Date: 09/2020

Author(s): North Dakota Department of Human Services

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