
Route to Success Brochure

Informational brochure for Route to Success. Route to Success is a systems change model,along with a set of tools for implementation, that Developmental Disabilities Councils can use to foster systems change work and add value to their existing projects. … Read More

Date: 01/2011

Author(s): Lee Vorderer

NCI Annual Summary Report 2010 - 2011

National Core Indicators (NCI) began in 1997 as a collaborative effort between the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). The goal of the program was to encourage and support NASDDDS member agencies to develop a standard set of performance measures that could be used by states to manage quality and across states for making comparisons and setting benchmarks. Fifteen states initially stepped forward to work … Read More

Date: /2011

Author(s): NASDDDS and HSRI 

The Riot! - Issue 25

This issue from The Riot! features an exclusive interview with the new Commissioner of the US Administration on Developmental Disabilities -- a REAL SCOOP. … Read More

Date: 7/2010

Author(s): The Riot! Staff

Executive Summary: Ohio’s Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project “ProtectOhio”

The ProtectOhio Comprehensive Final Evaluation Report, explores the impact of the Title IV-E Waiver (a national child welfare demonstration project), in 18 participating Ohio counties. Since 1997, these child welfare agencies have used flexible federal funding source s to enhance services and provide family-driven supports, in an effort to reduce their use of foster care. This evaluation report examines the implementation of system reform efforts made possible by the Waiver, specifically focusing on four main strategies adopted … Read More

Date: 5/2010

Author(s): Madeleine Kimmich, Julie Murphy, Erin Singer, Kim Firth, Linda Newton-Curtis, Cailin Wheeler, Jamie Daignault

Comprehensive Final Evaluation Report: Ohio’s Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project “ProtectOh

The ProtectOhio Comprehensive Final Evaluation Report, explores the impact of the Title IV-E Waiver (a national child welfare demonstration project), in 18 participating Ohio counties. Since 1997, these child welfare agencies have used flexible federal funding sources to enhance services and provide family-driven supports, in an effort to reduce their use of foster care. This evaluation report examines the implementation of system reform efforts made possible by the Waiver, specifically focusing on four main strategies adopted by … Read More

Date: 5/2010

Author(s): Madeleine Kimmich, Julie Murphy, Erin Singer, Kim Firth, Linda Newton-Curtis, Cailin Wheeler, Jamie Daignault

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