
The MHSIP Quality Report Toolkit

The purpose of this Toolkit is to provide guidance for those who have chosen to use the Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) Quality Report to assess and report on the quality of behavioral health service systems in which they have an interest. The Quality Report is a modular performance measurement system designed to assess and report on the quality and efficiency of mental health services. Along with a set of universal indicators applicable to … Read More

Date: 05/2004

Author(s): Dow Wieman, PhD., H. Stephen Leff, Ph.D., Amy DiRamio, Sarah Witham, Eric Goplerud, Ph.D., and Elise Young, M.S.W.

Toolkit for Conducting Case Mix Adjustment

The purposes of the toolkit are, first, to provide a description of the definition, rationale, limitations, required tasks, and analytic methods of mental health performance indicator risk adjustment; and second, to provide the reader with computer exercises using a hypothetical database to practice conducting a risk-adjustment using either SAS or SPSS. A training module appropriate for distance learning adaptability will be released to accompany the toolkit. … Read More

Date: 05/2004

Author(s): Michael Hendryx, PhD.

Everyday Kids, Everyday Lives: A Vision for Pennsylvania’s Children

Everyday Kids, Everyday Lives: A Vision for Pennsylvania's Children gathers the reflections of Pennsylvanians who care deeply about the lives of young children and their future in the Commonwealth. Its purpose is to inspire and guide others who also care deeply about strengthening child and family life in Pennsylvania. The document was developed through a collaboration of parents, professionals and policy makers to discuss and debate what ALL young children (birth to age 8) in Pennsylvania … Read More

Date: 9/2003

Author(s): Julie Silver, Marianne Taylor, Amy Letourneau, Guy Caruso, Celia Feinstein, Laura Detweiler

National Core Indicators: A Growing Commitment, Five Years of Performance Measurement

This report describes the evolution of the National Core Indicators over the past 5 years, the accomplishments of the initiative, and challenges and opportunities going forward. … Read More

Date: 5/2003

Author(s): NCI

Getting to Systems that Promote Self-Determination

This is a working paper that was prepared for The National Self-Determination and Psychiatric Disability Invitational Conference: We Make the Road by Traveling on it, in Chicago-O’Hare, Illinois. The paper discusses self-determination in the field of mental health, exploring the construct of self-determination and the use of research and evaluation to develop systems which promote self-determination. The author presents challenges for quantitative research and evaluation posed by self-determination for persons with mental disorders: … Read More

Date: 10/2003

Author(s): H. Stephen Leff, Jeremy Conley, Theodora Campbell-Orde and Valerie Bradley

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